Organic CSAs 2022

Organic CSAs 2022

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture

As a customer, you sign up and pay (generally in the spring though it depends on the CSA) and receive fresh, local produce, meats, eggs, etc., over the course of an allotted period of time determined by the CSA you are subscribing to.  Some CSAs offer a pay as you go option.  Some CSAs operate all year.

The benefits:

-You get to know your farmer

-You have a steady supply of fresh food

-You’re supporting your community

-Healthy choices are easy when the food is plentiful

As a farmer, you grow and deliver weekly, or bi weekly usually to a central pick-up spot.

The benefits:

-Farmers get to know their community/customers

-Farmers have a reliable, predictable market for their food

Are all CSAs organic?  Not necessarily.

Among our producers, the following provide certified organic CSAs on PEI:

Soleil’s Farm
Dexter Cattle Company
Crystal Green Farms
Maple Bloom Farm
Schurman Family Farm

Please contact the farms directly if you wish to sign up for a CSA with them.