What is “Organic”?

What does “Certified Organic” mean?

On PEI, “certified organic” means food grown on a farm according to specific organic practices as defined by the Canadian Organic Standards and regulated nationally by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Each farm is inspected annually by a qualified third party inspector an each inspected farm is issued a certificate.

General principles of organic production

Principle of health – Organic agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plants, animals, humans, and the planet as one and indivisible.

Principle of ecology – Organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles with them, emulate them and help sustain them.

Principle of fairness – Organic agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness to the common environment and life opportunities.

Principle of rare – Organic agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well being of current and future generations and the environment.

Prohibited Substances, Materials, or Techniques

  • All products oh and materials from genetic engineering (GE)
  • All products, materials or processes intentionally using nanotechnology
  • Irradiation
  • Soil amendments, that aren’t certified organic
  • Sewage sludge
  • Synthetic crop production aids and materials
  • Synthetic growth regulators
  • Cloned livestock
  • Synthetic allopathic veterinary drugs, including antibiotics and parasiticides
  • Synthetic substances
  • Equipment, harvest, and storage containers, storage facilities and packaging materials treated with synthetic fungicides, preservatives, fumigants, and pesticides