January News

Happy New Year

The Certification reimbursement program is underway now so if you have not sent in your application do it soon as it is first come first serve. If you did not get an application in the mail please send me an email or call the office.

PEI COPC is working with Mille Clarkes to present the film Island Green on Jan 29th at the Farm Centre in Charlottetown At 7:00 PM discussion will follow at 7:45 .

This is no ordinary screening! This innovative multi-city hybrid cinema event will take place in both Victoria, BC and Charlottetown, PEI at 7pm local time. The screening of the film will be followed by post-screening discussion in both locations, and the two conversations will be connected via Livestream, Twitter and Facebook, providing opportunities for online engagement on the issue, no matter where you are in the world.

We are in the planning stages for speakers in early March to talk about soils, cover cropping, crop rotations and weed management.

We will also be holding more kitchen meetings, if you are interested in hosting, or have a topic you would like addressed, please let us know.

PEICOPC is working on creating new pull up displays so we need new high quality pictures of farms, produce, and producers. If you have some send them to email [at] organicpei [dot] com. Thank you to Buy PEI for the help with this project.

Our field trials are done for the year and reports will soon be available, we will also be holding meetings to pass on the information collected.  This was the last year of the veggie trials so if anyone has any ideas for more trials please let us know.

Joyce went to the Technical Committee meetings for the review of the Canadian Organic Standard  in December in Ottawa. This is an ongoing project so now is the time for any modifications to the standard.

We would also like to remind everyone of the updated listing on the organic inputs web page if you have not used it you should check it out a lot of work has gone into this. Go to http://organicinputs.ca


As all farmers say it will be better this year.

PEI Certified Organic Producers Cooperative